December 12, 2024

3 thoughts on “Fernando Torres: A Flop?

  1. Us Liverpool fans been asking how long it’ll take Torres to reach his old form all season. Its weird that Chelsea are askjing the same questions. Lucky to have Luiz, play the players who’ll get u results or else we’ll see u in Europa, or even worse, you’ll see us in the Champions League 🙂 but seriously, good luck to Torres. Wish he wouldve handled the transfer a lot better though.

  2. @ Anonymous: David Luiz was really fantastic on his debut. I don’t think there was too much wrong in the way Torres handled the situation. He submitted the transfer request and left the club within a few days. I honestly don’t see much wrong there.

  3. David Luiz is really fantastic and i think we should still give Torres chance to prove himself.

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