September 17, 2024

8 thoughts on “Chelsea 2-0 Fulham 2013: Highlights and Reaction

  1. Chelsea fc should learn how to pass ball to their strikers. Again, Hazard should be kept in the bench as the young attacker is not in form & KDB should start in place of Hazard. Andrie Shurlle is doing a nice job by crossing ball to the strikers. If all these corrections are made we will look a better team. Up bluz!

    1. ugo u are right they don t know how to pass an accurate pass to the striker.up mourinho.up blue.up chelsea.

  2. They should let mou do his job pls mata s nt in form nw.If chelsea fail mou wil b blame n they succeed d team wil b praise guilt shld let mou do his job in his own way

  3. Who say mata is nt inform,wit hw many match,i tel u 4 certain dat if benitez is stil @ d bridge,we wil av knw wia we re headed,even many rivals do knw wu mata is nd the man is a playmaker,luk 2 wat he did 4 us d past 2 season,nd nw smbody was nw cmplainin dat he’s nt strng,is futbal al about power or mata wil stil b our bst 10 4ever,blue is d colour

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