February 14, 2025

11 thoughts on “Guillem Balague: Man Utd set to sign £37m-rated Juan Mata

  1. Mou’s mind is undisclosed but it is evident to all that Mata want to have a steady playing time and has no other choice than to leave Chelsea if that is the only avenue of a guaranteed playing time. I honestly don’t want Mata to go but the competition for shirts(most especially in Spain’s national team) is getting tight and i want him to feature in the squad going to Brazil. So if leaving Chelsea is the best way to get a chance of being called up into the team, Farewell then! But if we are to sell him to Man U, it should be on no other basis than a SWAP DEAL of Rooney.

  2. My advice to jose mourhino is that he shldnt sell mata @ all to manchester united nor athletico madrid simply because he’s a very good player and if jose needs to sell him @ all cost to manchester united he should make sure that wayne ronney is part of that deal and if it is athletico madrid then diego costa must also be part of the deal and left to me,I will prefer athletico madrid simply because united is our rival so mata would surely hurt us in the nearest future…..jose mourhino should use his discretion.

  3. The smart choice is to Exchange Rooney & Mata
    Mata used to be good but now he is not good enough 4 being
    a first choice. we have Osscar. Harshar, Willium nMatic

  4. Man u should nt swap rooney cus if dy do so it will be a pain full regret 2 man u. man u should buy players and stop keeping momey, man u buy players 4 feature purpose.

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