February 14, 2025

91 thoughts on “Official: Chelsea sign Samuel Eto’o – What does he offer?

  1. After d confmation of al dese players,mou pls don’t sel mata 4 m,nd also play m mikel,whras w stil nid team work 2 streten our squard

  2. That is good signing for chelsea willian and eto’o can help d blues, thank for jose or i say happy one

  3. Good signings for the blues.As #CHELSEAFANS we appeal to the #happyone not to sell #mata,use #Ramires as no.7 and not no.6,mikel shld play no.6 i.e deep 6

  4. Eto wud be a fire power.willian so dangerous in its play.mikel is needed in our midfield.

  5. It’s gud 2 have eto in d current squad but the strength is nt yet in our midfield, dat’s why we easily lose the ball to our opponent especially against man u. We need mikel in the midfield, we dat i think we can beat any team.

  6. Better signed, Eto’o u r welcome to stamford bridge. Mourinho pls introduce Mikel to ur start line-up.

  7. Am happy 2 see Eto o at chelsea. I think mou should b using of dem both in a match. Dats Torres nd Eto o in 1 match so dat our strike option should wil b strong

  8. Gud signin 4 d gr8 blue. Am hapi 2 b 1 of chelsea fanz. Hapi one u are well don. Plz we need mata & mikel.

  9. Mata does nt suppose 2 b sel, we nid mikel bak 2 d pitch, gat 2 change 4mation. 4-4-2, samuel eto’o nd torres. Proudly Blue fans

  10. Mou should adopts two man attack game 4 goals to follow in.and be makingg use of 4-4-2 formation.

  11. Up chelseafc,up d true fans,d 2 new signing made by d mou added special advantage 2 our team ambitions but d continuos absence of our talented 2 seasons player of year,still creates vaccum in our team n with due respect 2 my club legend,he has no reason 2 start matches ahead of mikel n essien.by so doing,we r diminishing ramise potentials that could ve being helpful 2 our team success.any time mikel n mata comes 2 d starting lineup,l mean playing as no 10 chelsea will start play well n winning with more goals.l hereby appreciates what highest earner(hadard)n oscar r bring 2 d team#let 4get sentiment my happy one do what u kn best 2 do,ve capital one cup n others our legengs can play n joy dem selfs

  12. Am so happy with eto’o nd williams signing. They are two great player i cnt wait for them to start playing.

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