February 15, 2025

31 thoughts on “Video: Mourinho talks about Rooney, De Bruyne, and Eden Hazard

  1. Cole is a star ,jose mourinho should give him a chance , to do better , about Rooney wil dnt want ,what occur to torris to repeat itself.the special one ,think well ,wil need better player than Rooney.

  2. jose mourinho you are the best coach in the world but dont loose Eden Hazard, Rooney is a good player but we need someone better than him,

  3. Cole if mourinho give him chance he can do better nd for rooney reality we deserve a good strike that wil score goals for blues a competent skrike.

  4. Mourinho, you ar a good coach which we know. Rooney is a good player as well, but we need a classic player which is better than roneey. We have learn a lesson from torres so we dnt want dat 2 happen again. Jose think twice b4 goin 4 rooney. And issue of harzard, harzard is nt a player dt we dnt need 2 temper wit at all.

  5. Jose shuld do away wit de likes of eto o,ba lam,torres by de end of the season nd bring in falcao,d costa,guarin,pogba,mangala,nd reus

  6. Pls d special 1 don’t let Hazard go now we still need him very well, Ba can go no wahala.

  7. Pls jose dnt just try 2 sell hazard ok. Chelsea only nd goal scorer hu can score fantastic goal nt a striker.

  8. Dnt let hazard go, cos he usually cause hazadios 2 opponent. Pls leave him 4 God sake

  9. wat ever u want 2 do do fuck u since u cameback no fancy football no clasic football now dre calin u fuck spe…or wat ever all no u r dises wat i expect .once again fuck u motherfucker.up blue up abrahmovic.but as 4 mou FUCK U. PUSSY. fbj sm edmm baa 0ba 2 f i

  10. Do u kown dat Haza is man God gave to chelsea free thats why some did,t kown valu of him

  11. Pls mr mori we chelsea fans seriously need a goal machin who will lead the blues to lift trophes

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